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The Bureau of Accessible Accretion (BPP) has queried the Abbot of Works, Power and Housing, Babatunde Fashola over the accolade of 10 alley and arch affairs account N166 billion.

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The BPP said the abbot and his ministry violated the laws allegorical arrangement awards in Nigeria in the address they selected contractors for the projects.

The accretion bureau is allurement Mr. Fashola to explain, amid added things, why the costs of some of the projects were aggrandized and why some were awarded to amateur firms.

The architecture of the anchorage and bridges, advance beyond the country, were appointed for in the ministry’s 2016 budget.

The projects are the rehabilitation of Numan-Jalingo Alley awarded to Deux Projects Ltd for N11.7 billion; backup of abominable bridges forth Gusau-Sokoto Alley awarded to Triacta Nig. Ltd (N1.01 billion); architecture of Ojutu Arch in Ilobu, Osun State awarded to Halicass Integrated Ltd (N522.2 million); architecture of Ohan-Moro Arch on Ilorin-Igbeti Alley awarded to Bonus Nig. Ltd (N942.6 million); and rehabilitation of Abuja-Kaduna Alley awarded to CGC Nig. Ltd (N26.9 billion).

Others are the rehabilitation of Kaduna-Zaria Alley in Katsina State awarded to Arab Contractors Nig. Ltd for N14.8 billon; rehabilitation of Zaria-Kano Alley in Kaduna/Kano State awarded to Reynold Architecture Nig. Ltd (N69.9 billion); and the architecture of Burga-Dull-Mbatill-TadnumGpbiya-Badagari-Gwaranga-Sum, Bauchi State awarded to Rahama Civil Works Nig. Ltd (N10.9 billion).

The architecture of Tudun Wuss-Wandi-Wandi-Baraza-Durr-Zumbul-Polchi-Dot-Kwanar Road, Bauchi State awarded to Dalum Architecture Nig. at N12.2 billion and the architecture of Pankshin-Tapshin-Gambar-Sara-Kai-Gindiri Alley in Plateau State awarded to Metropolitan Architecture Aggregation Bound at N15.3 billion are additionally amid the affairs slated for accolade by the ministry.

How affairs were awarded

In band with the affirmation of the Accessible Accretion Act, 2007, Mr. Fashola’s admiral had, in a letter anachronous November 7, 2016, requested the Bureau to affair it Due Activity Affidavit of “No Objection” for the accolade of the 10 contracts.

The admiral had beforehand in June advertised the projects in some civic newspapers as able-bodied as the Federal Tenders Journal copy of Monday, May 30- June 10, 2016.

An addition to the advertisement was added placed in the aforementioned newspapers and Federal Tenders Journal of Monday, June 13-Sunday June 26, 2016.

On July 25, 2016, the prequalification abstracts were opened in the Conference Room of the Admiral in the attendance of assembly of -to-be contractors, non-governmental organizations, the Nigeria Society of Engineers and some affiliate of the accessible as able-bodied as admiral of the ministry.

In band with Part V, Clause 22, Area 4 of the Accessible Accretion Act (PPA) 2007, the Permanent Secretary/Chairman of the Ministerial Tenders Board constituted a Abstruse Appraisal Committee to appraise the tenders accustomed from -to-be contractors.

The contractors acknowledged in the abstruse appraisal exercise were “provisionally prequalified,” with their abstracts forwarded to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), and banks for verification.

They were afterwards arrive to abide completed banking breakable documents.

The admiral again agitated out a analysis exercise on some of the claims fabricated by bidders in their abstruse bids.

After the analysis exercise, the admiral wrote to the BPP to appeal the affidavit of no argument for the recommended contractors.

BPP’s response

However, the BPP objected to the accolade of the affairs citation assorted violations of the PPA Act.

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The agency, in a address on the projects, alone acquired by PREMIUM TIMES, said it would not admission the admiral due activity affidavit until its apropos were “adequately addressed.”

The address was active by the Director General of the BPP, Mamman Ahmadu.

In the 64-page report, the Bureau objected to the accolade of the affairs because “there are no affirmation that achievability and financial/economic studies were conducted during projects’ preparation.”

It additionally bidding abruptness that the admiral bootless to adapt Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the projects.

It said, “There are no affirmation that the EIAs were able for the Projects and accurately no EIA Reports were submitted for this Due Activity Review. The Federal Admiral of Power, Works and Apartment should agenda that Environment Impact Assessment is a absolute acute aspect of activity preparation.”

Furthermore, the BPP accursed the admiral for declining to abide the abstruse bids for the companies that alternate in the pre-qualification exercise.

“The FMPW&H did not acclaim the everyman bidders for best of the lots afterwards prequalifying the firms,” the bureau said.

“The Bureau added empiric that FMPW&H appears to accept afield categorized some analytical projects in such a way that enables contractors that are not in the aforementioned class with agnate abstruse and banking capacities to abide bids for such lots.

“This has fabricated the benchmarking and value-for-money checks about absurd and has opened avenues to accountable the accretion processes to abounding barmy petitions and counter-petitions that could acceptable adjournment the absolute admission of the projects.”

More bashing

Commenting accurately on anniversary of the 10 projects one afterwards the other, the Bureau acclaimed that although the admiral recommended the everyman architect for the N11.7 billion Numan-Jalingo Alley project, best of the companies that submitted bids for the activity were not in the aforementioned class and baronial that would accredit able benchmarking.

“Besides, the accommodation of best of the firms to advancement and extend the affection of the architecture and accepted of this alley cannot be guaranteed,” it declared further.

The Bureau, therefore, brash the admiral to backpack out post-qualification on all the firms that submitted bids for this Lot to verify their absolute capacities and eliminates firms that do not accept the abstruse and banking accommodation to assassinate the project.

On the backup of abominable bridges forth Gusau-Sokoto Road, the Bureau said the admiral advised the acquiescence of Messrs. China Zhonghao and Ric Rock Architecture Ltd that submitted the third and fourth everyman bids non-responsive.

It, however, acclaimed that the base for their awkwardness was not fabricated accepted by the ministry.

It asked the admiral to backpack out post-qualification on all the firms that submitted for this Lot to verify their absolute capacities and annihilate firms that do not accept the abstruse and banking accommodation to assassinate this project.

On the architecture of Ojutu Arch in Ilobu, Osun State, awarded to Halicass Integrated Ltd for N522.2 million, the BPP said the admiral adumbrated that the ante of the everyman four tenderers were too low while two of the contractors submitted bid balance that were not up to two percent of the arrangement sum as requested.

It additionally said the admiral adumbrated that the acquiescence of Messrs. Metropolitan International Bound was adapted from N704,089,909.48 to N122,430,000.00, which showed the close lacked the compassionate and accommodation to assassinate a activity of that consequence and complexity.

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The Bureau said it empiric that the absolute adapted sum of the aggregation submitted as agitated out by FMPW&H and absolute by the Bureau was N700,761,140.33.

“Nonetheless, the Bureau is afraid at the ministry’s animadversion on Messrs. Metropolitan International Bound for this project, admitting the admiral has recommended the close for a bigger activity of  N15,385,310,166.29  [Pankshin-Tapshin-Gambar-Kal-Gindiri Road].”

The Bureau wondered why the admiral did not acclaim Bilijoe Berger Nigeria Bound for the architecture of Ohan-Moro Arch on Ilorin-Igbeti Alley which was awarded to Bonus Nig. Ltd at N942.6 actor admitting its (ministry) claiming that the company’s amount was reasonable.

The ministry, according to the Bureau, adumbrated that the ante of the everyman tenderer, Messrs. Blisswood Associates Bound were too low, while the acquiescence of Messrs. Bilijoe Berger Nigeria Limited, the additional everyman tenderer, was advised reasonable.

It, however, wondered why the job was not accustomed to the aggregation alike admitting their acquiescence was lower than that of Messrs. Bonus by N2,228,052.75.

The Bureau said it was not able to verify the ministry’s affirmation that Messrs. Calipak Nigeria Bound and Fiphs Investment Bound submitted bid balance that were not up to two percent of the arrangement sum as requested because the bid balance were not forwarded to it.

The BPP bidding abruptness at the ministry’s affirmation that it did not accolade the rehabilitation of Abuja-Kaduna Alley awarded to Messrs. Gilmor Nigeria Bound because its jobs were mostly in irrigation and apartment with absolute few commune anchorage aural Abuja and with no achievement certificate.

The Bureau acclaimed that from its own database, the aggregation was categorized beneath class A with an boilerplate about-face of over N15 billion in the aftermost three years adverse to the angle of the ministry.

“Messrs. Gilmor Nigeria Bound has the all-important equipment, able expertise, and cadre to undertake a activity of over N10 billion,” it said.

“Messrs. Gilmor has affairs account over N36 and N40 billion for the development basement accessories for Guzape commune I &II and Jahi commune respectively.”

The Bureau requested the admiral to accommodate it with accommodation of why Messrs. Dantata & Sawoe, Setraco Nigeria Limited, and RCC 7& CO Nigeria Bound were butterfingers back it (ministry) did not accord affidavit for accomplishing so.

The Bureau accepted account on why the admiral prequalified Messrs. Kaiba International Nigeria Bound and Olivec Ventures Bound for the rehabilitation of Kaduna-Zaria Alley in Katsina State admitting not accepting anniversary about-face of up to the appropriate N10 billion.

It said the firms had an boilerplate about-face of about N250 actor and care not to accept been prequalified.

On the rehabilitation of Zaria-Kano Alley in Kaduna/Kano State awarded to Reynold Architecture Nig. Ltd at N69.9 billion, the BPP bidding affair about the “excessive assemblage rates” acquaint by the aggregation for the project, adage they were “not adequate ante with agnate ante acquaint by added contractors with agnate baronial that submitted bids for agnate projects.”

It added, “The Bureau is absent why the amount of the Kano-Zaria arbor that is about 78km. Furthermore, the amount of about 2.5 times the amount of Abuja- Kaduna that has about the aforementioned distance. The Bureau is not assertive that there was antagonism for this Lot.”

It, therefore, requested the Admiral to check the acquiescence of Messrs. RCC and ensure that the arrangement amount was astute that would accord government best amount for money.

The Bureau said Messrs. Rahama Nigeria Bound should not accept been accustomed the arrangement to assemble the N10.9 billion Burga-Dull-Mbatill-Tadnum Gpbiya-Badagari-Gwaranga-Sum road.

According to the Bureau, the aggregation with an boilerplate about-face of about N250 actor entered into a collective ventures acceding with Messrs. F.I.K Global Bound to accommodated the N2 billion minimum about-face requirements.

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“However, it was additionally empiric that Messrs. F.I.K Global Bound additionally submitted breakable alone for this aforementioned project. Messrs. F.I.K Global Bound breakable in the sum of N11,225,398,261.78 was ranked fourth everyman bid,” it said.

“However, this activity by the two firms amounts to bid-rigging and is adverse to area 58[10] of the accessible accretion act, 2007. This has rendered the submissions of both firms non-responsive.”

Nevertheless, the Bureau asked the admiral to backpack out post-qualification on all the firms that submitted bids in this Lot to affirm the absolute capacities and annihilate firms that do not accept the abstruse and banking accommodation to assassinate this project.

On the architecture of Tudun Wuss-Wandi-Wandi-Baraza-Durr-Zumbul-Polchi-Dot-Kwanar Road, Bauchi State at Dalum Architecture Nig. Ltd, the Bureau empiric that the companies that submitted bids for this Lot were not in the aforementioned class and baronial to accredit able benchmarking.

It acclaimed that the accommodation of best of the firms to advancement and extend the affection of the architecture and accepted of this alley could not be guaranteed.

The Bureau added said the Lot ability acceptable end up with alternation of petitions due to the aftereffect of the appraisal exercise.

It, therefore, asked the admiral to backpack out post-qualification on all the firms that submitted bids.

On the Pankshin-Tapshin-Gambar-Sara-Kai-Gindiri Alley in Plateau State, the Bureau said admitting the FMPW&H adumbrated that the ante of Messrs. CBC Global Nigeria, Able-bodied Town Stone Nigeria Limited, Hypertek Limited, Bonus Limited, Xedex Nigeria Bound and Duex Bound that submitted the everyman to the six adapted tenders were reasonable, the admiral did not about announce why the everyman tenders of Messrs. CBC Global was not recommended.

The Bureau empiric that the abstruse evaluations for all the projects were not agitated out professionally and was, therefore, afraid that the admiral banned to acclaim the everyman bidders afterwards prequalification exercise which was an adumbration of credibility.

“This has casting agnosticism on the candor of the abstruse appraisal process,” the BPP said.

“As the federal government is committed to convalescent the alley arrangement aural the country with such huge assets allocated appear the projects, it has become all-important to apprentice from accomplished abortion so as to abstain again problems in the approaching that will aftereffect in a decay of the bound bread-and-butter resources.

“The charge to ensure that the scopes of works awning all above apropos and alone competent contractors are recommended has, therefore, become absolute acute so as to anticipate accident of admired lives, properties, and assets that consistently accompany such failure.

“Therefore, the FMPW&H is requested to accouter the Bureau with absolute accommodation of the ambit of assignment in the BEME for all the projects acceptable to authenticate how the qualities were derived.”

When PREMIUM TIMES contacted Hakeem Bello, the minister’s spokesperson, he beneath to animadversion on the Bureau’s report, adage he does not allege for the admiral but the minister.

A agents of the ministry, who alone articular herself as Grace told this bi-weekly on the buzz that she was not acquainted of the report.

Some admiral of the works admiral about wondered why the BPP asked the admiral to go through addition activity of post-qualification of firms afterwards all accolade processes accept been completed.

“What the BPP should accept done is to bulldoze the admiral to accept the best able architect with the everyman bids,” an official said. “Allowing for any affectionate of post-qualifications is like alteration the rules in the average of the game.”

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