13 Facts You Never Knew About Tulisan Kaligrafi Assalamualaikum Dalam Bahasa Arab | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab

For a accompanying commodity read: A Allotment Of Advice Afterwards Malaysia’s Bersih Rally Five – OpEd

ASSALAMUALAIKUM : Huruf Arab Bismillah, Tulisan Arab Bismillah yang ..

Analysing the contest that happened — the abasement of peaceful protesters, harassment, intimidation, terroristic-threats — arch to the 60,000-Yellow Shirt-BERSIH-Rally able that concluded affably in Kuala Lumpur, I accept this to say about those who are out to adulterate the Malays:

Aren’t Malaysians annoyed of seeing the Malays actuality represented as buffoons, stupid, amok-prone, close-minded, rempits, kris-kissing fools, AliBaba forty-thieves, rejects, religious fanatics, red-shirts, whatever shirts… it is a able assembly and reproduction of the Malay cardinal class, both feudal and wannabe-feudal… so that the Jebat aspect of the Malay – the amuck, the wannabe-sultan, the misogynic, the sex-maniac-royal groper and defacer of age-old Malacca, the royal-jet-setting-good-for-nothing-ancient-kings, the hedonistic, the aberrant epicure, the gangster, the cool –is pushed advanced and broadcast to strengthen the Tuah aspect – the fool that followed the absurd orders of the absurd and asinine Malacca sultan, the womaniser-cum-religious baton – the bad hombre of Malay ability – these are the accompanying representation of the Malays.

A bedlam banal – the Malays are fabricated to become.

This is what the cardinal chic wants to use as ‘Hitlerian Youth’. This angel charge be destroyed. For way too continued the angel of the Malay as wise, learned, philosophical, tassauwuf/sufistic being, the communicatively competent , the Old School pre-Merdeka Johor type, the prudent, the proverb-loving, the artistic, the high-cultured, a nation of aerial ability and Jawi-literate Malay, the acutely acute and reflective, the eyewitness of materialism both as “rezeki/god’s bounty” to be accurate with and to not let it be a corrupter of the soul, the Raja Haji-type of Malay (warrior who fought adjoin the Dutch with courage and with philosophy… area are you now, these Malays?

Aren’t we ailing of the red-shirts’ antics and their representation of the Malays? a representation that has additionally been acclimated auspiciously by the non-Malays – through the ability of address of a newer Malay absolutism hegemonising civic perceptions?

Baginilah Tulisan Arab Assalamualaikum , Alhamdulillah dan Bismillah ..

Then there is the affectation of silat to abominably and hilariously alarm bodies off.

Malays don’t charge this representation as well. It was advantageous as a way for good, about cocked warriors of the 15th.century to annihilate their sultans, such as in the acclaimed adventure of the afterlife of the debauchee and womanising and power-drunk sultan, Mahmud of Kota Tinggi, Johor. He was dead by his own Laksamana Megat Seri Rama while he was agitated by his serfs on his mobile-throne, the ‘julang’, appropriately the adventure Mahmud Mangkat di Julang.

That evil-fool alleged a absolutist dead the laksamana’s wife Dang Anum artlessly because she ate a allotment of jackfruit (sebiji buah nangka) from the Raja’s orchard – because she was appetite for it. She was pregnant. The raja ordered her abdomen to be cut accessible to retrieve the jackfruit. That was the adventure of the Malay absolutist admirable by his people.

Laksamana Megat Seri Rama, accomplished in silat, had to put the fool to death. Acceptable for the sultan. That’s how a acceptable silat man or woman care to do – get rid of tyrants aback while they are on their throne.

But aberancy we are seeing in the use of the Malay art of self-defense. Lost is the acceptation of SILAT as I accepted it – ‘silatur-rahim’ or to accomplish peaceful access with added animal beings – with Chinese, Indians, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Martians, Jupiterians, Robots and Androids… or alike Trump-supporters. SILATUR_RAHIM that is what it means. Some Malays don’t alike accept the simple acceptation of a Malay word.

16 Gambar Tulisan Kaligrafi Arab Bismillah Terbaru 2018 | Gambar ..

Read… read… read…

If abandoned anniversary ancestors brainwash the adulation of reading, of wisdom, of humility, of perspective-taking, of apropos others, of affectionate and acquirements from the arts, sciences, apple music, and become a acceptable all-around aborigine – we will not charge to do this in public: Beat anniversary added up with planks while accomplishing the breakdance. READ… READ… READ… in the name of thy Lord who created thee… that basal ballad “Iqra bismi rab bikal lazee khalaq”.

I’d say: break home, booty off your black shirt, abrasion your singlet and your sarong/kain pelikat if you are still activity hot and angry, advice mum broil cookies, and apprehend and read, apprehend and be added able in compassionate what is ailing our society.

What a decay of time some these Malays are accomplishing afflictive bodies on the streets, affronted buildings, active afterwards cars, babble incomprehensibles – all in the name of truth? What accuracy then?

How abundant money is actuality accustomed to the account of the apostasy after a absolute cause? This is the abstruse aspect of the red-shirt movement – why are they afflictive those who wants to see a bigger Malaysia? A cleaner association and one that is not abandoned for the Malays, or for the Muslims, or abandoned for the Malay-Muslims but a Malaysia for all Malaysians. Is that not a simple abstraction of acceptable citizenship to appreciate and to action for? I don’t anticipate it is.

Perbedaan Bahasa Inggris British dan American | KASKUS | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab

The way these troubles are created assume adverse and ‘out of place’ in a Malaysia – a globalised Malaysia of the 21st century. It seemed like a actual awkward, rude, uncouched, atrocious way of appliance chargeless speech. It seemed like a advantageous job done after beat or acumen or sincerity. But the affliction allotment is that it is claimed to be one “defending the rights of the Malays” aback the Malays in accepted do not ambition to be dedicated as such. It is a base way.

What care to be done is to stop these aberrant means of behaving and alpha the assignment of allowance the Mat and Minah Rempits, the distinct mothers, the adolescence who are about to go into the dungeons of biologic addiction, and the Malays who anticipate that Tanah Melayu is endemic abandoned and others are “intruders in history” and care to be beatific aback to area they came from.

These are the Malays that charge to be helped and their address restored. That would be a nobler job for the red-shirt assemblage or any assemblage cutting whatever shirt babble for Malay Rights. That is the jihad of accord the Malays in accepted would accede to be associated with.

Not the run-amuck, latah, and bashed Jebat and absurd Tuah Malays we no best ambition to see.

Let us advice abort this angel of the Malays. We are not fools. We accept never been.

Gambar Kaligrafi merupakan seni tulis Indah yang selalu memukau | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab
13 Facts You Never Knew About Tulisan Kaligrafi Assalamualaikum Dalam Bahasa Arab | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab - tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab | Pleasant to be able to my own website, with this moment I'll teach you about keyword. And now, this is the initial impression: Salam-Ramadhan-vector – Blog Alhabib | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab
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KALIGRAFI – Hady412 | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab
Baginilah Tulisan Arab Assalamualaikum , Alhamdulillah dan Bismillah ..
Kaligrafi Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - Alif MH - Shagir | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab
Hanya Seni: Kaligrafi, seni tulisan Arab yang mengagumkan | Hanya Seni | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab
Kaligrafi Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - Alif MH - Shagir | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab
KALIGRAFI – Hady412 | tulisan kaligrafi assalamualaikum dalam bahasa arab


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